2022 Hawaii Land Use Law Conference (LIVE)
Wednesday May 25, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday, May 26, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sponsored by the Hawaii State Bar Association and the Real Property and
Financial Services Section. Coordinated by David Callies and Benjamin Kudo,
this 2-day conference is a must attend for any attorney or professional
whose practice involves land use and development. Distinguished land-use
practitioners, scholars, planners, and regulators from Hawaii and the Mainland
will discuss timely and relevant issues, including:
• Takings
• Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
• Seawalls and Shoreline Access
• Climate Change
• Affordable/Workforce Housing
• Ethical Considerations for Real Property Practitioners and Other Professionals
CLE: Yes
*Completion of the 2 day seminar will provide 8 CLE credits, 2 of which are Ethics.
Enough to meet the mandatory credit requirement for two years (RSCH 22)!
Location: YWCA, Fuller Hall
1040 Richards Street, Honolulu, Hawaii
Registration is open to first 70 people due to venue capacity
Pre-registration is required for entry. No walk-ins